The New Start Empowerment Workshop is targeted at motivating and influencing an individual to change his or her mindset from negative to positive. The workshop objectives include:

  • Helping individuals to identify and fulfil their life potentials through a holistic self-analysis approach
  • Providing guidance and assistance on how to set positive life goals and achieving them
  • Enabling people to build on their confidence, feelings of self-worth through mentoring support
  • Motivating individuals to stay focused on fulfilling their life potentials by providing them with the necessary continued support
  • All candidates who participate in the New Start workshop program are invited to an Achievement Awards Ceremony upon completion of the program

We aim to encourage participants to pursue a life full of achievements through a sense of success and self-worth which the award ceremony provides

Contact FHIM New Start

Form Filling Service

We offer form filling assistance to vulnerable people, the elderly and those who are unable to read and write.


Training for Housing Jobs

We can enhance your chances of securing employment in the Public Sector Housing section and also with Advice agencies.


Self Development

The New Start Empowerment Workshop is targeted at motivating and influencing an individual to change his or her mindset from negative to positive.


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Alternately you can contact FHIM New Start on +44 2038242452